
Online Tech Classes

Page history last edited by Mr. Howard 10 years, 1 month ago

http://gigaom2.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/learn-online.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1These days many universities are making their classes available free online. While some of these FREE online classes are real college classes or geared for adults beginners, they are doable for advanced middle schoolers and high schoolers. They are complete with lectures, assignments, and even tests. This is a great way to learn coding if you prefer a class type environment. If you like structure, but don't want to take a class, consider picking up a book on programming.


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Online courses not your style? How about a summer camp?

What about a local technology camp? There are tons that are designed specifically for middle schoolers! See our Austin Tech Camps page for a list.


Game Development Programming Classes (Self-Paced)

Self-paced classes are available anytime. For complete course lists, see the Other Links section below. COURSES ARE FREE UNLESS NOTED

Typically Instructor-led classes are more like traditional classes (assignments, peer+teacher support) and typically offer certificates of completion. Self-paced classes are more flexible, but some times don't offer any additional support (unless they are paid classes)

Beginning Level Mobile Device Programming Classes (Self-Paced)

Self-paced classes are available anytime. For complete course lists, see the Other Links section below. COURSES ARE FREE UNLESS NOTED

Typically Instructor-led classes are more like traditional classes (assignments, peer+teacher support) and typically offer certificates of completion. Self-paced classes are more flexible, but some times don't offer any additional support (unless they are paid classes)

  • This Is How You Make iPhone Apps - iOS Development Course ($29) - This class teaches you how to make iPhone apps with this complete iOS development tutorial.  You'll learn how to create apps using the same tools and techniques used to make the top apps in The App Store.
  • Creative, Serious and Playful Science of Android Apps on Coursera (Free) - This course is a novice-friendly and delightful introduction to computer science and programming Android-apps for smart-phones and tablets. No prior programming knowledge is necessary. In this course you'll have fun learning to create an app in Java for modern Android devices such as the Nexus tablet.


Beginning Level Programming Classes (Self-Paced)

Self-paced classes are available anytime. For complete course lists, see the Other Links section below. COURSES ARE FREE UNLESS NOTED

Typically Instructor-led classes are more like traditional classes (assignments, peer+teacher support) and typically offer certificates of completion. Self-paced classes are more flexible, but some times don't offer any additional support (unless they are paid classes)

  • Udacity's Introduction to Computer Science (Free) - In this course you will learn key concepts in computer science and learn how to write your own computer programs in the context of building a web crawler. At the end of this course, you will have learned enough Python programming to be able to write programs to solve problems on your own. This course will prepare you to move on to more intermediate-level courses in CS.
  • Udacity's Introduction to Java Programming (Free) - In this class, you will learn basic skills and concepts of computer programming in an object-oriented approach using Java. You will learn concepts like classes, methods and argument passing, loops, and general problem solving ability that will become building blocks to your programming skills. ** CAN BE TAKEN FOR COLLEGE CREDIT - WEB PAGE FOR MORE INFO
  • Udemy's Java for Complete Beginners (Free) - Learn to program using the Java programming language.
  • Udemy's Learn HTML5 Programming From Scratch - A Complete HTML5 Programming Course for Beginners. HTML5 is one of the hot web technologies and is widely gaining acceptance across mobile and web. In our course you get a complete resource which can get you started on application development for HTML5. In our course you work on actual examples and go through important concepts required for through knowledge. 
  • Learn C# Programming in Ten Easy Steps ($99) - This class is suitable for beginner programmers. Step-by-step it explains how to write C# code to develop Windows or Mac applications using either the free Visual C# Express, a commercial edition of Microsoft Visual Studio or the free MonoDevelop for OS X.
  • MIT's A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python (Free) - This 4 week course will provide a gentle, yet intense, introduction to programming using Python for highly motivated students with little or no prior experience in programming. The course will focus on planning and organizing programs, as well as the grammar of the Python programming language.
  • Stanford's Computer Science 101 on Coursera (Free) - CS101 teaches the essential ideas of Computer Science for a zero-prior-experience audience. The course uses small coding experiments in the browser to play with the nature of computers, understanding their strengths and limitations. Sign up for the "To be announced" session to be notified by email when the class is next run, and sign up for "Self-Study" to start browsing the class materials right away. Self-Study mode makes all the videos and assignments available to be done at your own pace, but without a certificate of completion at the end.
  • Stanford's Introduction to Computer Science (Free) - This Java-based course is the largest of their introductory programming courses and is one of the largest courses at Stanford.
  • Harvard's Computer Science 50: An Introduction to Computer Science (Free) - Introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming. This course teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, encapsulation, data structures, databases, memory management, security, software development, virtualization, and websites. Languages include C, PHP, and JavaScript plus SQL, CSS, and HTML. Problem sets inspired by real-world domains of biology, cryptography, finance, forensics, and gaming. Designed for concentrators and non-concentrators alike, with or without prior programming experience.
  • Java Programming  (Free) -  This is a beginning course in the Java programming language. Students will learn object-oriented programming, and will create applets which can be incorporated into HTML documents for the World Wide Web.
  • Web Page Authoring (Free) -  This is a beginning hands-on introduction to using Hypertext Mark-Up Language (HTML) to create web pages which can be uploaded and displayed on the Word Wide Web. Students will use HTML to create web pages with text in various sizes and colors, links to other sites, background color or patterns, graphics, tables and mailto links. Principles of design and color as they apply to screen presentations will be included.
  • Introduction to Flash MX (Free) - This course offers an introduction to the Macromedia Flash multimedia authoring environment. It incorporates hands-on experience developing streaming web-based multimedia presentations including animation, sound, and graphics with Macromedia's Flash MX application.


Beginning Level Programming Classes (Instructor-Led)

Instructor-led classes are scheduled during specific dates ONLY. Some sites like Coursera can notify you when a new session is scheduled. For complete course lists, see the Other Links section below. COURSES ARE FREE UNLESS NOTED

Typically Instructor-led classes are more like traditional classes (assignments, peer+teacher support) and typically offer certificates of completion. Self-paced classes are more flexible, but some times don't offer any additional support (unless they are paid classes)


Intermediate/Advanced Classes (Self-Paced)

Self-paced classes are available anytime. For complete course lists, see the Other Links section below. COURSES ARE FREE UNLESS NOTED

Typically Instructor-led classes are more like traditional classes (assignments, peer+teacher support) and typically offer certificates of completion. Self-paced classes are more flexible, but some times don't offer any additional support (unless they are paid classes)

  • Udacity's Programming Languages (Free) - Take this class and learn how to build your own simple web browser complete with the ability to parse and understand HTML and JavaScript.
  • Udacity's Web Development (Free) - In this project-based course your knowledge will be evaluated as you learn to build your own blog application! Learn everything Steve Huffman wished he would have known when he broke into the startup world. Read more about Huffman and the course here. The course is lead by Steve Huffman, co-founder of two startups, Reddit, a site where users can share links to any and everything, as well as Hipmunk, a site that lets you book travel and hotels

  • Udacity's HTML5 Game Development (Free) - This course will walk you through the major components of building GRITS, an HTML5 game. We'll talk about how to take standard game development techniques, and use them to create high performance HTML5 applications. Knowledge of HTML, Javascript, and how the web works is necessary for this course. There is an optional lesson on the specific parts of Javascript and the DOM that you'll need for this class as a refresher, but this is not an introductory course on Javascript.

  • Udemy's JavaScript AllStars (Free) - This class features lectures, lessons and tutorials from the legends of JavaScript. It is designed for JavaScript programmers who want to enhance their understanding of the language, take their skills to the next level and engage the brightest ideas in the JavaScript community. It includes high level coding concepts and practices, as well as leading technologies like jQuery and Node.js.
  • Google's Android Development Short Course (Free)
  • Saylor Foundtion Computer Science Major/Minor (Free) - Complete, college-level online program studying Computer Science. Very similar to what you would get from a college CS program. Looks very solid.


Other Tech Class Links or Course Catalogs

Can't find the class you want in the links above? New classes are offered every day. Take a look at the links below for more options  


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