

Page history last edited by Mr. Howard 11 years, 8 months ago

About GameMaker

Are you new to game development? Do you have great ideas for games, but don't have the programming ability to make them a reality? Or are you an experienced designer, artist or programmer who just wants to speed up your game development process? Whatever level of experience you have, GameMaker for Windows will provide you with the tools you need to make exciting games, quickly and easily.

Offering a drag-and-drop interface for rapid design and iteration of gameplay features, graphics and sound, as well as a fully-featured integrated development environment (IDE) and a flexible, built-in scripting language (GML, GameMaker Language), GameMaker for Windows is the perfect low-cost tool for quick, easy games development for Microsoft Windows.


Download GameMaker

There are several version of GameMaker. The version we have installed at school is available at http://yoyogames.com/gamemaker/windows

For more information on their other versions of GameMaker, see http://yoyogames.com/gamemaker/studio


What Can You Do with GameMaker?

There are several of examples available within GameMaker itself - all available with code.

GameMaker Game Showcase - These games are their favorites.

GameMaker Sandbox - Where developers post their games to share

Spelunky - Spelunky is a cave exploration / treasure-hunting game inspired by classic platform games  FULL SOURCE CODE IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD

Daniel's Games - Several full games with source to explore


Learning GameMaker

Currently, we don't go into GameMaker as a class project - we simply don't have time and it is fairly complex. However, if you are interested in learning GameMaker, the best way to do it is to go through the two tutorials included within GameMaker itself. When you open the application, they are listed at the right.



Official YoYo Game Tutorials - These cover lots of topics including Creating Your First Game, Creating a Scrolling Shooter, Maze Games, Platform Games, 3-Dimensional Games, and even Multiplayer Games

Activate! GameMaker Step-by-Step Tutorials and Challenges - Great place to start after doing the official tutorials. Lots on pictures. START WITH THE ROOKIE CHALLENGES.
Tons of GameMaker Resources - Including videos and step-by-step "How do I..."
GameMaker Tutorials - Lots of video tutorials - Go through them in order
GameMaker Video Tutorials


Spelunky is a cave exploration / treasure-hunting game inspired by classic platform games

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