About Stencyl
Stencyl is a free program for creating flash-based games (or even games for Apple on Android devices as of the latest version) on your Mac or Windows computer. Using Stencyl you can create a fairly complex game even if you don't have any coding skills at all. That is possible because Stencyl uses a drag and drop interface to enable game creation. Stencyl provides a huge selection of characters, settings, and elements to add to each scene of your games. To create and direct the actions within your games Stencyl gives you a block-snapping interface to construct actions and sequences. The block-snapping interface will look familiar to people who have used Scratch or Android App Inventor.
Download MIT App Inventor
Getting ready to program with App Inventor is an easy process that varies slightly depending on whether you are developing apps on an Android device or on the built-in Android phone emulator (which gets installed along with App Inventor.) Follow the steps on the Setup MIT App Inventor page to get started.
> Once everything is installed and setup, you can simply go to http://beta.appinventor.mit.edu/ to begin.
What Can You Do with MIT App Inventor?
All can be downloaded (with code)
App Inventor Gallery
App Inventor Gallery - Games
2012 MIT App Inventor App Contest Winners
Sample Apps from AppInventorBlocks.com
How Do I Do ______ in App Inventor?
See these sites for examples for lots of common things you'll want to do
Code Snippets
App Inventor Blocks
Our Class Projects
New to App Inventor? Follow the steps on the Setup MIT App Inventor page to get started. If you are using your own phone, you may need to follow these Setup Instructions.
> Once everything is installed and setup, you can simply go to http://beta.appinventor.mit.edu/ to begin.
Build the PaintPot app
Build a Paint app that lets you draw lines and circles on any picture, including one you take with the camera. You'll learn about Canvases, reacting to the user's touch, and working with color and background properties.
Please forgive this student from being tardy. We will both work harder in the future to prevent this from happening.
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