
Excel: Video Game Design

Page history last edited by Mr. Howard 11 years, 8 months ago

Welcome to the Excel Video Game Design class wiki page. We will use this page in class to link to various resources. In addition, some of the class assignments will be posted here if you are interested in working on them at home. Material will be posted as we cover it and the most recent will be at the top. For your reference, here is the class syllabus.


Love playing video games? Do you have an idea for the next great game? In this Excel Video Game design you’ll learn the basics of computer programming while exploring the tools and technology used to create computer games. No programming knowledge is required for the course; you will learn as you go.  As an Excel class, this will just be an introduction and will only cover a small portion of the full Video Game Design class offered at Gorzycki MS. If you are interested in learning more about the topic, please see your instructor.

> For a general introduction, instructions, Internet links, other resources, and video tutorials, see our wiki's Video Game Design page.



We start with a Minecraft unit to experience first hand the engineering design process. The students get super excited. It may seem like all fun and games, but there are some great engineering applications to the building aspect of Minecraft - they can actually build some very complex working machines (like working pianos, roller coasters, etc). The students compete in 4 person challenges that are judged and quality and creativity.

    Challenge 1: "The Egypt Challenge" The student 4 person teams had 30 minutes to build and decorate a 8 story pyramid. Here are the entries (Team 4 was voted the winner)     

    Challenge 2: "The Roller Coaster Challenge" The student 4 person teams had 2 days to build a world-sized roller coaster. Here are the entries (Team 6 was voted the winner)


Game Building Engines

We have explored 3 different game development engines so far (all are free to use or download):

GameStar Mechanic: Develop 2D Games (platformers)

Kodu: Develop 3D games

001 Game Creator: Develop RPG, Tower Defense, and 2D platformers



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